Tuesday December 5, 2016
Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. -Matthew 25:41
Why would a good God send people to hell? Have you ever asked yourself that question?
I think every person who has read the Bible and loves the Lord has ended up asking this themselves this question.
Here is what I can answer. God doesn’t torture people in hell. God doesn’t sit back and laughs at the people who didn’t make it to eternity with Him.
God is the most loving, generous, wonderful, merciful, and kind being in the whole entire universe.
He has made us with free will, and He has made us for a purpose. That purpose is to relate lovingly to him and others. We’re not accidents, modification monkeys, or random mistakes.
If we fail to live the purpose by which we were made ? a purpose that would allow us to thrive more than living any other way would- then God has no choice but to give us what we’ve asked for all along.
When we don’t chose Christ, we chose to live our lives in eternal separation from him. That separation is hell.
God doesn’t chose hell…..you do. Today, chose a life that you were created for from day one. The choice yours. Make the better choice!
Prayer: “God, thank you for loving me and giving me the gift of choice. Thank you for being a good God who cares about your people. Help me to never take for granted the choice that you have given me. I chose you. Help me to chose you every single day. In your name I pray, Amen.”
-Whitney Flach