I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. -John 15:5
Harold and I moved into a rental house that we absolutely adore. Our backyard is cute and decent sized. When we can, we try to take advantage of it. When we first started being in our yard, I constantly got this wiff of something. It was noticeable, and it wasn’t a great smell. Whatever it was, it caught my attention. A week or so later, I was walking farther around our yard and realized that our neighbors line and our line shared two apple trees. The stench was from the apples that had fallen off the tree early and were laying in the grass rotting. It made sense immediately what the smell was. It was the rotting apples covering the ground.
When we fall from the The Lord who is our vine, we become rotten. We produce a smell that isn’t a fragrance people want to be around. Instead, it is something people want to be far from. When the apple clings to the tree, there are quite a bit of things apples can be part of. When they fall from the tree before they should, they lay, rot, and go to waste. Apples typically go into creating something amazingly tasty. They are great by themselves, but they are better created into something else. Such as Apple pie, apple crisp, apple cider, etc.
Are you a rotten apple, or getting ready to be something great? Don’t let yourself lay and rot. Instead, cling to our tree of life. Wait for the right time, and He will call you into being apart of something even greater than yourself.
Prayer: Lord, I pray that you help me to cling to you. You are the vine and I want to remain in you. Continue to prepare me for what I have been created for. I want to be a sweet fragrance to the people around me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
-Whitney Flach