NPB?s Win Bigger Blitz delivers results for chops and ribs

by | Jul 18, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

National Pork Board?s Win Bigger Blitz strategically places digital ads about pork ribs and chops at the fingertips of consumers. Neal Hull, National Pork Board?s director of domestic development, said they are focusing on some key markets.

?The states of California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, those are really poor population markets,? Hull said. ?When you take Illinois out of the mix, you don’t necessarily have a lot of pork production in those states, but there’s a lot of consumption. So, we’ve gone into those markets with some shopper marketing programs that are really targeted to drive consumers to the pork category.?

The markets selected for this initiative have the core demographics, specifically African American or Hispanic consumers.

?We’re being very targeted into those large markets and a producer may say, well, I don’t see the assets, or I don’t see the promotions in my market, and it’s really not targeted towards the producer per se but towards that consumer that we want to bring back into the category,? Hull said.

The goal of the Win Bigger Blitz is to drive purchase intent in the store by targeting the consumers through their mobile devices.

?Everybody lives on their mobile device now,? Hull said. ?So, that’s where the ads are served up. You know, one of the third-party shopper campaigns is through a company called Ad Adapted. and all the functionality is with Instacart, most people are familiar with Instacart if you do the online shopping, so we can link via Instacart to the retailers online shopping platform and that items added to their cart.?

The effort kicked off Memorial Day weekend and will continue through the summer, using insights to drive demand for pork. For more information, visit