Midwest seeing late summer heatwave

by | Aug 25, 2021 | 5 Ag Stories, News

It?s been a very warm week across Iowa and those hot temperatures are expected to continue through the weekend.

The National Weather Service in Des Moines says highs will be in the low to mid 90s across the state through Saturday evening before a slight cool down into the mid-80s on Sunday. Chances of rain showers will continue through Monday. USDA Meteorologist Brad Rippey says many growers may be curious what a late season heatwave means for their operations.

?From the Central and Southern Plains, into the Middle and Lower Mississippi Valley, it?s good weather for pushing summer crops toward maturity,? said Rippey. ?Given the fact we have adequate to abundant soil moisture across much of this region, it shouldn?t be too much of a concern for the health of summer crops. A lot of them are maturing anyway.?

Rippey has the National Weather Service?s outlook for the end of August into the beginning of September across different parts of the country.

?Looks like we?re going to enter the very beginning of meteorological Autumn ? which starts September 1st ? with a warm and wet weather pattern for much of the country,? said Rippey. ?In fact, near to above normal temperatures and rainfall will dominate the country.?

For more information, visit weather.gov.