Barges Stalled on Ohio River

by | Oct 15, 2017 | HAT News Feed

Another lock and dam closure along the Ohio river stalled more than 500 barges waiting to pass through. The Waterways Council said late last week the issue was related to rising river conditions, which boosted water levels above maximum operating limits. However, water levels were expected to fall back below the maximum locking stage by the start of this week. The closure is the second at lock and dam 52, which closed last month to replace wooden wickets.

Another lock was closed last month because the gates could not close properly. River levels have changed over the last week. However, this harvest season, basis levels for grain have dropped along river markets that ship the crops from the Midwest to New Orleans for export. That is because water levels across the waterways system have been low and lock and dam failures are slowing barge traffic.

Source: NAFB News service

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