U.S./Indiana Corn Supply Mostly Unchanged in Latest USDA Report

by | Oct 12, 2017 | HAT News Feed

The U.S. Department of Agriculture?s WASDE report released today has corn production forecasted at 14.280 billion bushels, up 96 million from last month. Corn supply remains unchanged despite yield again being raised by almost a bushel to 171.8. The yield increase was offset by an adjustment in acreage planted and lower stocks. Lower planted acres likely reflects more accurate accounting of spring weather difficulties. Corn price projections also remain unchanged from last month?s report, with the average projected range at $2.80 to $3.60 per bushel.

From a global perspective, corn stocks are down 1.5 million from last month, with foreign corn ending stocks for 2017/18 down, due to declines from China and Mexico.

Ethanol use rebounded from its projected drop last month, with numbers back at August levels of 5.5 billion bushels. Price remains unchanged, thus reflecting the need for new markets and new uses to be developed.

On the soybean side of the ledger, it looks similar but in reverse. With increased acreage the yield was lowered from last month?s bump back down to 49.5 bushels. Beginning stocks were lowered, reflecting a 44-million bushel reduction in total supply. Prices also remain unchanged.

Indiana Production

Although many growers are finding better than expected yields at harvest, the overly wet spring and dry summer limited the potential for the 2017 corn and soybean crops, according to Greg Matli, State Statistician of USDA, NASS, Indiana Field Office. The October Crop Report is based upon conditions, as of October 1, 2017. Some highlights of the report are as follows:

Indiana corn yield is expected to be 173 bushels per acre, on par with last year?s yield. Total production is expected to be 903.1 million bushels, down 5 percent from 2016.

Indiana soybean production is expected to total 326.7 million bushels, up 1 percent from a year earlier. The yield is forecast at 55 bushels per acre, down 2.5 bushels from the 2016 report.

Indiana?s alfalfa hay yield is forecast at 4.30 tons per acre, up 0.1 tons from last year.

Indiana?s other hay yield is forecast at 3.00 tons per acre, down 0.1 tons from last year.


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