Indiana Closer to Restrictions on Dicamba Usage

by | Oct 6, 2017 | HAT News Feed

Back on August 30, the Indiana Pesticide Review Board voted to place restrictions on dicamba use in the state. The vote will become law, if it passes a couple more steps in the process. The restriction would be in effect for all dicamba products used for agricultural purposes, and only certified applicators would be allowed to apply the product. The next step in the rule-making process is the state Attorney General?s Office. If the Indiana A.G. signs off on it, the rule then heads to the Governor before making the final stop at the Legislative Services Agency, which would then choose the publication date, listing it as the final rule. Indiana?s rule would restrict any pesticide product with dicamba that both contains dicamba in concentrations equal to, or greater than, 6 and 6.5 percent, and is intended for agricultural use but doesn?t contain 2,4-D as an active ingredient. The restriction would not apply to dicamba-based products intended for use on turf or other non-agricultural sites. Indiana requires the Pesticide Review Board to consider economic impacts when making their decisions as well.

A statement from the board says it made the decision because there are numerous other products on the market that could be used in place of dicamba-based products. Indiana rules go into effect 30 days after filing with the publisher.

Late Thursday ISDA issued the following statement, ?ISDA supports the Office of Indiana State Chemist.?

Source: NAFB News Service

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