DES MOINES, Iowa (IDALS) – Natural gas prices in Iowa were up $.18 this week, closing at $4.75 per million btu (MMbtu).
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Crude Oil Summary
The price of global crude oil fell this week on the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) by $2.17 per barrel over last week, currently at $101.59. Brent crude oil fell $.43 this week, currently at $109.20. One year ago, WTI crude sold for $89.18 and Brent crude was at $99.25.
Motor Fuels
As of Tuesday, April 22nd, the price of regular unleaded gasoline averaged $3.60 across Iowa, according to AAA. This is down a penny from last week and up $.20 from one year ago. The national average on Tuesday was $3.67, up $.02 from last week?s price.
Retail diesel fuel prices in Iowa rose $.02 on the Tuesday report with a statewide average of $3.83. One year ago diesel prices averaged $3.76 in Iowa. The current Iowa diesel average is $.13 per gallon lower than the national average of $3.96.
Wholesale ethanol prices fell $.02 this week, closing at $2.25. The price of mid-grade blend in Iowa (10% ethanol) closed at $3.51 per gallon, down a penny from last week?s price and up $.20 from one year ago.
Heating Fuels
Natural gas prices in Iowa were up $.18 from last week?s report, ending the week at $4.75 / MMbtu.