Iowa Crop Progress Report as of June 2, 2013

by | Jun 3, 2013 | Crop and Soil Reports

Below are the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service crop and soil moisture conditions in Iowa as of June 2, 2013. You can check out the full report by clicking here.

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Iowa Planted Acreage
Statewide Last week Last year 5-year average
Corn Planted 88% 85% 100% 99%
Corn Emerged 73% 54% 98% 91%
Soybeans Planted 44% 40% 99% 91%
Soybeans Emerged 23% 8% 81% 65%

Rain was again the major player in this week’s crop progress report. From the Iowa report:

Rain events throughout the week kept most fields too wet for machinery to enter. Runoff caused erosion, especially in recently tilled fields. Standing water in some fields may
damage crops.

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Corn 3% 8% 32% 48% 9%
Pasture & Range 2% 9% 28% 47% 14%
Topsoil Moisture State Last Week Last Year
Very Short 0% 0% 15%
Short 0% 1% 31%
Adequate 43% 45% 53%
Surplus 57% 54% 1%
Subsoil Moisture State Last Week Last Year
Very Short 1% 1% 11%
Short 4% 7% 34%
Adequate 57% 63% 54%
Surplus 38% 29% 1%