The battle over the protection of water has been drawn mainly along party lines. Administrations have been politicizing water protection, and farmers have been caught in between. People are having to worry about who has the right to dictate their power over their land.
The latest rendering of the WOTUS had to be settled in the Supreme Court. In Sackett v. EPA, the court ruled that some of the WOTUS rules were not valid under the Clean Water Act. This means that the Administration and the EPA are going to have to make some changes.
Courtney Briggs is the American Farm Bureau Federation Senior Director of Government Affairs. She talks about a multi-industry alliance, called the Waters Advocacy Coalition, and based in Washington, D.C. The coalition sent a letter to the Biden Administration asking them to rethink the WOTUS rules, not just remove the language that the Supreme Court said was overreaching. Briggs talks about the coalition.
The letter talked about what they would like to see in the new version of WOTUS.
We are expecting to see a new WOTUS rule in a few months.