What does it take for USMEF to establish a foreign market?

by | Jun 27, 2022 | 5 Ag Stories, News

During World Pork Expo, it was no secret that international trading was a concern. We came off a strong year in 2021, and numbers this year are so far lower. However, that is not dampening the spirits of those close to the pulse of our trade markets.

Dan Halstrom is President and CEO of the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) and we talked with him at Pork Expo earlier this month and he gave us an overview of where the challenges are, and where are strengths lie in the export markets.

Halstrom talks about what it takes to develop a market for U.S. red meat products.

USMEF?s mission is to find markets for the whole animal carcass. While we may not see some options in our meat counters, does not mean it isn?t used somewhere else. By having these markets developed, there is more value in each carcass harvested.

To learn more about the mission of USMEF, visit their website.