Ukrainian Ambassador Markarova visits Iowa and State Fair

by | Aug 14, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The Russian invasion of Ukraine started over 900 days ago, and the fighting continues. In the last weeks, the Ukrainian forces have liberated over 50% of the land that the Russian military took control of as the invasion started. Ukraine has been looking for help around the globe and has received aid that has allowed them to keep fighting and bringing the war to Russian territories.

Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States is Oksana Markarova, and she visited Iowa on Tuesday. While here, she met with the leaders of several state and civil organizations and thanked them for their support. Afterward, she came to the Iowa State Fair for a brief visit and to see why we are so proud of this event. She toured with Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig, and Deputy Ag Secretary Grant Menke, among others.

While she visited the fair, I had the chance to talk with her about the message she is bringing to the people of Iowa, and what the rural communities need to know about the war from their perspective. The Ambassador says that Iowa has been a friend of Ukraine since shortly after they gained their independence.

The Ag Industry is important to Ukraine, as it is a large supplier of the world’s wheat supply and a marketer of fertilizer products. Markarova says that the farmers of Ukraine have been some of the unsung heroes in their fight against Russian invasion.

The Ambassador commends the Ukrainian people for not only adding to the resistance of invasion but also working together to keep day-to-day life going as normally as possible. Markarova says it is not unlike the ethic of rural America; when someone needs help, you help them.

The Ambassador adds that there is great strength in the relationship between the American farmers and the Ukrainian people. They are great partners in the global marketplace, not competitors. She says that that partnership can not only help Ukraine win the war but also help the free world to win the peace that will inevitably come.

My full interview with Ambassador Oksana Markarova can be found on the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network YouTube Channel.