U.S. Wheat harvest off to early start

by | Jun 5, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

When we have been looking at the markets that have had the strongest runs lately, wheat is at the top of that list. The volatility has been very interesting to watch as many outside factors are weighing on the markets. A lot of it is linked to Mother Nature. Whether it is dry conditions in Russia or early starts to the wheat harvest in southern plains, the weather giveth and the weather taketh away.

Kim Anderson is an Extension Grain Marketing Economist and says the weather in the southern plains hasn’t been the most conducive to harvesting, but it is buying them a slow down that might be needed. Some farmers have been getting ahead of themselves.

Anderson talks about how the Russian weather patterns is having such a large effect on the marketplace.

Just like with any other marketplace, every region that has a problem opens the door for other regions to have a banner year.

The wheat harvest is continuing in the southern plains and giving our products a great position in the world market.