U.S. Pork Heading to Argentina

by | Aug 20, 2017 | HAT News Feed

The National Pork Producers Council applauds the Trump administration for negotiating U.S. pork access to the Argentine market. Argentina was one of several countries with non-science-based barriers to U.S. pork imports. With Thursday?s announcement, trade-dependent U.S. pork now has unfettered access to this large, pork-consuming nation. NPPC President Ken Maschoff says U.S. pork producers are among the most competitive in the world and have long sought the opportunity to provide high-quality pork to the Argentine people. ?We thank Secretaries Perdue and Ross, and their teams at the USDA and the Department of Commerce, as well as U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer and his team, for their diligent work to win Argentine market access,? Maschoff says. NPPC also thanked Vice President Mike Pence for his recent trip to Argentina for helping to move a trade agreement with Argentina across the finish line. The U.S. has been the world?s largest exporter of pork over the last 10 years and depends on continuing to expand exports for growth.

NPPC is urging the administration to continue to work for market access in other countries that have non-science-based trade barriers, including India and Thailand.
Source: NAFB News Service