U.S. Export Sales Report (9-13-24)

by | Sep 13, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

With September being the beginning of the new marketing year, the export sales can be deceiving. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said this week’s numbers look better than they actually are.

With all of that being said, though, McBride said the export sales weren’t terrible this week.

At the end of the last marketing year, McBride said total export sales came in below expectations, so the USDA has made- and will continue to make- changes to the corn and soybean numbers.

McBride added that time is running out for the U.S. export sales to capitalize on the current grain price discount to Brazil.

The team at Allendale can be reached by calling 800-262-7538, or you can visit allendale-inc.com.