The two largest grain bins in the world stand in Iowa

by | Jun 7, 2019 | 5 Ag Stories, News

With Iowa being one of the leading Ag producing states in the country, we are used to putting up big numbers in both corn and soybeans. It should come as no surprise that the two largest grain bins in the world are now located in Iowa.

Audio: Full Interview with Steve Sukup

It is a story which could only happen here. The new Elite Octane ethanol facility in Atlantic, Iowa is the first ethanol plant opened in over a decade, and it happened in the country?s largest ethanol producing state. To hold all the corn needed to keep this huge plant running, you need to have top-quality storage.

Enter the Sukup Manufacturing Company. They manufactured what are now the two largest grain bins in the world for the Elite Octane facility. Sukup?s Vice President Steve Sukup tells us the story of the two behemoths.

You heard him right. Two, two million-bushel bins. According to Steve?s Twitter account, they could hold a Boeing 757. However, he says the landing would be tough.

Steve Sukup tells us about the engineering which goes into a bin this large.

Steve Sukup was proud to break his own record for bin size, but does he think they will do it again?

For now, it will be these two bins which are going to cast a large shadow over the landscape of Iowa.