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NPPC continues to work towards solutions for farm labor

NPPC continues to work towards solutions for farm labor

As rural populations continue to decline in rural America, labor issues have become a hurdle for the agriculture industry. With many rural counties losing population to urban centers, the number of available workers for agricultural jobs has also declined. As an answer to the dwindling number of available workers, agriculture has turned to immigrant farm workers to provide the labor force necessary. However, there are many legal matters that complicate the employment process for both workers...

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Ag stakeholders react to Republican farm bill framework

Ag stakeholders react to Republican farm bill framework

Several key agricultural groups and stakeholders issued responses to the Senate Ag Committee Republicans’ farm bill framework. Gregg Doud, President and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation, calls it a strong framework that marks another important step in...

NPPC is working globally to keep animals safe and trade moving

NPPC is working globally to keep animals safe and trade moving

Earlier this week, we started a conversation with National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) VP of Government Affairs Maria Zieba. We discussed why it is important to have an international coalition to collaborate on finding solutions to foreign animal disease (FAD)...

South American Weather and Crop Update (6-11-24)

South American Weather and Crop Update (6-11-24)

It’s been yet another week of dry weather in South America. We’ll see later this week if the USDA or CONAB adjust their projections based on this. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride gave an update on the latest weather conditions. There’s going to be some rain in...

Potential farm bill provisions outlined in Senate proposals

Potential farm bill provisions outlined in Senate proposals

Senate Ag Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow and Ranking Member John Boozman have now both offered outlines of the farm bill for consideration. Joby Young, the executive vice president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, listed some of the key provisions in the...

BASF unveils Nemasphere, a new nematode resistance trait

BASF unveils Nemasphere, a new nematode resistance trait

On Monday, BASF unveiled the first and only biotechnology trait for Soybean Cyst Nematode, called Nemashphere. The new trait will provide growers with SCN resistance without limiting yield potential. SCN is the number one yield-robbing pest in soybeans in the United...

Get ready for the Iowa Corn 350 Powered by Ethanol

Get ready for the Iowa Corn 350 Powered by Ethanol

Iowa Corn is proud to be the entitlement partner of the first-ever NASCAR Cup Series race in the state, happening this weekend in Newton, Iowa. The Iowa Corn 350, Powered by Ethanol, will showcase the performance of ethanol at the fastest short-track on the planet,...


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