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Secretary Naig encourages Iowans to celebrate Iowa Local Food Day

Secretary Naig encourages Iowans to celebrate Iowa Local Food Day

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig is encouraging Iowans to celebrate Iowa Local Food Day on Wednesday, September 25. Initiated in 2018 by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Local Food Day is held annually on the fourth Wednesday in September. The statewide celebration encourages Iowans, especially students, to learn more about where their food comes from and to build connections with local farmers. “Iowa Local Food Day brings together Iowa farmers, schools,...

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SAF coalition submits comments on energy credits and incentives

SAF coalition submits comments on energy credits and incentives

The Sustainable Aviation Fuel Coalition submitted comments responding to request for stakeholder comments on energy credits and incentives from the House Ways and Means Committee. In its comments, the Coalition underscored the economic benefits associated with SAF...

Hoegemeyer pleased with 24 performance and looks forward to 25

Hoegemeyer pleased with 24 performance and looks forward to 25

Record yields are being predicted once again in 2024. Now, we may wonder where those yields are coming from. However, what we have heard mostly around the state is that crops look good. People are saying that except for some drowned-out spots, the plants look strong...

Case IH announces new AF9 and AF10 series combines

Case IH announces new AF9 and AF10 series combines

One of the most visually impressive sights at the Farm Progress Show every year is the cutting-edge machinery on display. This year was definitely the year of the combine for Case IH, with new models being announced approximately every 100 days. Kurt Coffey, vice...

U.S. Export Sales Report (9-6-24)

U.S. Export Sales Report (9-6-24)

As the U.S. continues to have discounted grain in the global market, the export sales need to be following along as countries take advantage of the opportunity for cheaper corn and soybeans. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride gave an update on the latest report...

USDA lowers forecast for farm production expenses

USDA lowers forecast for farm production expenses

In most years a farmer can expect to pay more than they did the year before for production expenses. However, in USDA’s new farm income forecast for this year, the report calls for lower production expenses. That is Spiro Stafanou, administrator of USDA's Economic...

What’s keeping farmland prices high?

What’s keeping farmland prices high?

The farmland market across the Midwest is resilient. While the markets have been pushing lower for almost a year and reaching below breakeven levels, Doug Hensley, President of Hertz Farm Management, says we’ve not seen land prices retreat in a similar fashion. While...


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Investing in the future of farming

Investing in the future of farming

Farmers are the backbone of America. Without them, we wouldn’t have the food to sustain our society. But even with how important that job is, farmers can have a hard time with the finances of running a successful operation. Ben Gordon, founder and CEO of Fractal, said...