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Colombia fully reopens to U.S. beef trade

Colombia fully reopens to U.S. beef trade

The Colombian government recently lifted its ban on U.S. beef originating from states in which H5N1 was detected in dairy cows. U.S. Meat Export Federation President and CEO Dan Halstrom notes that the reopening of beef trade comes after tireless work from USDA and USTR officials. The reopening comes following months of work by U.S. officials. Sourcing U.S. beef from eligible states became difficult when Colombia's restrictions were in place. Halstrom said now there is work to be done to...

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On-Farm Pork Impact Reports showcase sustainability

On-Farm Pork Impact Reports showcase sustainability

Consumers want to know that the pork industry is sustainable, and the National Pork Board can help with its On-Farm Pork Impact Reports. Al Wulfekuhle, president of the National Pork Board, said the reports show off the positive environmental impact of farms with...

U.S. ethanol on pace for record year of exports

U.S. ethanol on pace for record year of exports

Geoff Cooper is the president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association and he tells the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network that the United States ethanol industry is projected to have a record year for ethanol exports. He says that the countries importing U.S. produced...

Washington sees coordinated push for farm bill passage

Washington sees coordinated push for farm bill passage

In an unusual move, commodity groups are coordinating efforts in bringing producers and other ag stakeholders to Washington, DC in an effort to get a new Farm Bill passed before the end of 2024. Agri-Pulse reports that such a cross-commodity initiative has not been...

FDA is on top of HPAI testing in wake of new outbreaks

FDA is on top of HPAI testing in wake of new outbreaks

After a lull in the number of new HPAI outbreaks, we have seen three more dairy herds in California testing positive recently. It does bring the seasonal issue back into focus. The disease seems to flair up with the migration season of birds. As we enter into fall, we...

South American Weather and Crop Update (9-10-24)

South American Weather and Crop Update (9-10-24)

Drier conditions are persisting in Brazil as planting begins for the next crop. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride gave an update on the latest weather patterns in South America. While there is some rain forecasted for the southern areas of Brazil, most of the...


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U.S. Export Sales Report (9-13-24)

U.S. Export Sales Report (9-13-24)

With September being the beginning of the new marketing year, the export sales can be deceiving. Allendale commodity broker Greg McBride said this week’s numbers look better than they actually are. With all of that being said, though, McBride said the export sales...

Growers critical of tariff announcements

Growers critical of tariff announcements

The National Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association expressed frustration with a recently released recommendation from the Department of Commerce. The Department is recommending an imposition of preliminary countervailing duty rates on imports...