Not much has changed in the drought monitor over the past week. Spring may have officially sprung, but that doesn’t mean the weather is going to instantaneously change. However, even with little change, we are still trending in the right direction. Iowa State Climatologist Dr. Justin Glisan provided a breakdown of the most recent U.S. Drought Monitor report.
Since March and April are transitional months, Glisan said the weather will be active and varied, especially when it comes to the wind.
Over the past few weeks, a good amount of snow has been dumped across the upper Midwest. As that snow melts, Glisan said we could see some flooding, especially in the Mississippi River.
When the temperatures warm up, it?s easy to forget that it?s normal to still be seeing snow at this time of year. Glisan said the snow that falls during these spring months is usually wetter and heavier.
Glisan added that, now that we?ve officially shifted to ENSO-neutral conditions, there?s a continued signal for cooler and wetter weather.
Glisan said he?s also always looking for input from farmers and stakeholders across the state.
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