The Farm Bill question is a hot topic as we have discussed in the past few months. There is a lot of worry and concern that the clock is ticking and both sides of the political spectrum have dug their feet in so hard, that politics is going to affect the biggest piece of legislation concerning food production and access in the country.
While many are pessimistic about this situation, some believe that the situation may not be that dire. One of those lawmakers is Former House Ag Committee Chairman Frank Lucas of Oklahoma (R). He claims that the federal appropriations process leaves an opportunity forward for a few bills, including the Farm Bill.
Of course, we know that it isn’t a matter of simply re-upping the legislation. Farmers and ranchers across the country are calling for changes and updates to the bill. The top-of-mind concern is in reference prices.
However, Lucas says that the biggest concern of time is valid. We are up against the wall already in March, for a bill that doesn’t expire until September 30th.
All that being said, Lucas is confident that the sides can finally come together and make something happen. Especially as Senate Ag Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow knows that as she vacates her seat after this term, this is her legacy bill that will stand out over all the others she has been a part of.