Scott Metzger, Oct. 9

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

We are probably down to 250 or 300 acres of first crop beans left. We have been rolling along pretty well. I am little disappointed in bean yields. I thought we?d be in the mid-60s but it looks like 56 or 58 will catch our average. With how the beans looked and the weather we had, I thought they?d be better. There were two critical times that hurt our beans. We got 3.5 or 4 inches of rain right at the end of June and a lot of the beans were yellow and I think a rain around the third week of August would have really made a difference as well.

If you go north of here there are upper 70s and low 80s there. The beans are very small for us. Almost like BBs, but what we have hauled in has had decent test weight. It seemed like they were all four feet tall.

I think our Plenish beans averaged 57 or 58 and they tested very well for the protein and other numbers. They graded out better than they did last year.

We did do a fungicide plot this year and the check strip with no fungicide was actually a bushel better. We have had mixed results on spraying fungicide on beans and with corn we have seen a more consistent increase. There was not much disease in those beans.

We are actually about done with planting wheat. I think we have maybe 70 acres to go. We got anywhere from 2.8 up to 3.2 inches over the weekend. There was no water standing anywhere as dry as it was and it will be ideal for the wheat that was just planted.

We?ve had a good harvest season so far.