We are done harvesting our first crop beans and onto shelling corn now. We got all the wheat sown and are working on getting cover crops sown.
Our Plenish beans made 58 and all of our XtendiMax beans made 57 and they were all right there together. I thought they?d be a little higher but they were still above average for us. Our XtendiMax fields were extremely clean. Our Plenish fields had a little giant ragweed in them but nothing major. The bean sizes seem to be really small. The Plenish beans graded out really high on all of their numbers.
A frost this week would actually help our double-crop beans out a little. It will push them along.
We have an excellent stand of wheat. It went in great and we got a little rain on it there. It all popped up and it is two or three inches tall with very good stands. Everything looks good with it so far.
The corn has been excellent. We are maybe a third done and I think we could maybe average 200 or above. We have seen numbers a lot higher than that on our better ground and it is coming out of the field at 17.5% or 18%. That is some of our full season corn too. I think we could have a farm record for our corn, but we still have a lot to do. The rain we had in July was like irrigation for us. I think it really helped the corn but that may have inversely hurt our beans. All of the corn is standing really well and there are excellent field conditions for harvest.
We?ve got a farm we are going to do some cereal rye and radishes on and that will be on bean stubble going to corn next year. Then we are planting a combination of wheat at a half rate and cereal rye on some of our bean ground. We?ll fall spray our corn stalks.