SAY Program Promotes Ag Safety

by | Mar 31, 2016 | HAT News Feed

Hoosier Ag Today by: Andy Eubank

SAY safety program

SAYlogoA new initiative provides a one-stop source for farm safety information. A coalition of more than 70 universities from every state in the union is backing the effort to make farms safer places to work and live.’s “Safety in Agriculture for Youth,” or SAY project puts in one place a wide range of farm safety and health information any farm or ranch can use. American Farm Bureau director of congressional relations Kristi Boswell says providing timely information is vital.

Kristi Boswell“Safety in agriculture is always very important and has been a focus for American Farm Bureau in making sure that our members have resources to make sure that employees, and youth and everyone on our farms are safe and trained in doing all sorts of tasks on the farm.”

The USDA funded grant project includes a wide range of different curriculums, programs and learning activities.

“We’ve recently released a clearinghouse of all of these educational resources. The goal is to be the one-stop shop for anyone needing information about farm safety.”

Boswell says the clearinghouse is a tool for farmers, ranchers, students, educators and farm bureau members alike.

“Safety has always been a priority for American Farm Bureau and recently we’ve put our heads together in making sure we have more centralized locations for our members to turn to. We have done that on our website and we’ve also done that now in this project been a steering committee member in putting this together.”

Farm safety information can be found at or at

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