Protecting yield potential with biological products

by | Sep 15, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

During the growing season, farmers want to see their plants reach their full potential. The management practices that are implemented during the season all have an impact on whether a plant reaches its full yield potential. Should biologicals be a part of that plan for plant health during the growing season?

Biological products are inputs used by farmers that can help a plant to reach its full yield potential says Colin Pennington U.S. crop nutrition product marketing manager at FBN.

In order to demonstrate the abilities of biologicals when added to a crop nutrition plan, Pennington says that FBN puts its line of biological products through rigorous field tests.

Biologicals can also provide added benefits by helping to protect yield potential without using active ingredients that can be harmful to the soil or water.

Pennington says that instead of asking “Who should be using biologicals?” the better question instead might be, “What is needed in your crop nutrition plan?”

He says that having a set goal for your crop nutrition plan can help to select and implement the right biological products for a farming operation.

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