Propane supply chain looking good for 2024 harvest & beyond

by | Aug 29, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

The harvest will be here before we know it and it is time to think about getting everything ready for that upcoming season. One of the unsung heroes of our harvest is our grain drying systems. More systems are switching to propane fuels as they get upgraded. Of course, this means we must know the supply situation for this season.

Mike Newland is with the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) he says that right now supplies are good and prices are steady.

Newland says that this doesn’t mean that this situation is etched in stone. A lot can change, all based on Mother Nature’s temper. We will have to keep a close eye on what happens with the corn crop, especially in Northern Iowa, Southern Minnesota, and parts of the Northern Corn Belt.

Innovation with propane is key for PERC. Newland talks about what new things are hitting the marketplace.

One may think that the news front is pretty calm for the propane industry. However, after a little turbulence a few years past, calm waters aren’t a bad place to be. Learn more at the PERC website;