Pre-plans help firefighters at your farm during emergencies

by | May 24, 2022 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Nobody wants to think about what could happen if there was a fire on the farm. It isn?t a very pleasant situation to have to deal with. However, if you do talk about it now and put some plans in place, it can help firefighters mitigate the damage that comes from something like this happening.

Casey Kamm is a teacher?s assistant for fire protection, and he talks about some of the things that are vital for firefighters to do their job. Things like where the power to the farm can be shut off, where are the equipment control panels, and where are humans and animals most likely to be in the area.

Another important issue to address is any and all access points to an area. Multiple entrance locations are effective if one is blocked. Also knowing where escape options for livestock may be located can help them mitigate animal loss.

The most important thing you can do in an emergency is to keep collected and clearly tell dispatchers where you are located and also convey if there are any lives in danger, human or animal.