Persistent heavy rains creating replant concerns for Iowa growers

by | May 27, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Frequent heavy rains in May have created replant concerns for many Iowa growers. What does this mean for the growing season in Iowa and how might agronomic concerns early in the growing cycle factor into the ag marketplace?

Matt Bennett, co-founder of AgMarket.Net, says that he has had many replant conversations in recent days with Iowa farmers.

He says growers that have avoided the need to replant are still dealing with agronomic issues that will affect their crops. Iowa is not the only state in the Corn Belt dealing with too much moisture in a short period of time.

Bennett says that while these agronomic issues may not have an immediate impact on the ag marketplace, turbulence during the growing season in the premier row crop growing states is bound to have an influence on the markets eventually.

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