Perdue Nomination Poised for Full Senate Vote

by | Mar 30, 2017 | HAT News Feed

The confirmation of Agriculture Secretary nominee Sonny Perdue now awaits a full Senate vote after the Senate Agriculture Committee approved the nomination on a voice vote. The vote occurred off the Senate floor in the midst of floor votes Thursday morning. Full Senate action has yet to be scheduled, and a packed schedule next week could mean the Senate will not be able to consider Perdue?s nomination until after a two-week Easter recess that starts at the end of next week. The Senate is expected to consider the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court next week, and that process is expected to be time-consuming.

All but one Senate Ag Committee member voted in favor or Perdue. New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand insisted on a no vote; and Perdue?s cousin, Georgia Senator David Perdue, abstained.

Source: NAFB News Service