Palmer Amaranth Could Again Effect Soybean Yields

by | Jan 31, 2016 | HAT News Feed

Hoosier Ag Today by: Gary Truitt

Palmer AmaranthResearchers at the University of Illinois say Palmer amaranth could again damage soybean yields in 2016, possibly spreading further north in the Midwest. Weed ecologist Adam Davis said there are no current climate limitations to any of the genotypes of Palmer amaranth researched, adding “this is a serious weed.” He says Palmer amaranth is an even bigger threat than most weeds for soybeans, causing soybean yield losses up to 80 percent in severe cases.

Palmer amaranth already exists in states like Illinois, but it has not become a major problem. The University advised farmers should learn to identify and remove Palmer amaranth before it goes to seed, creating a much bigger problem.


Source: NAFB News Service

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