Spotty rains last week were expected to improve soybean yields on later planted fields, but for early planted corn and soybean fields, it may have been too little too late, according to Cheryl Turner, Ohio State Statistician for the USDA?s National Agricultural Statistics Service. There were 5.4 days available for fieldwork for the week ending September 3, 2017. Overall temperatures remained below normal as daytime highs for the week ranged from the upper 70s to lower 80s, while nighttime lows ranged from the upper 40s to the lower 50s. Rainfall amounts ranged widely across the State with some areas reporting receiving more than two inches of rain during the week while other areas received very little, if any. Areas which have received very little rain have seen crops maturing faster than anticipated. Early planted soybeans were showing signs of yellowing leaves, and in some areas, soybeans development was reported to be at a standstill with pods aborting. There were several reports of corn firing due to prevailing dry conditions, with some growers noting that it was too late for the corn crop to benefit from this week?s rain. Corn harvest for silage progressed rapidly across the State; initial yield reports are positive except in areas which received excessive moisture early in the season.