Ohio?s Crop Progress ? September 25, 2017

by | Sep 25, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

Extreme heat and dry conditions over most of Ohio helped push corn and soybeans to maturity last week, according to Cheryl Turner, Ohio State Statistician for the USDA?s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Rain was largely confined to the northwestern part of the state with locally heavy spots. There were 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending September 24, 2017. However stages of corn and soybean maturity still vary widely due to interruptions and setbacks during spring?s wet planting conditions. Growers would also like to see more field drydown of corn before full-swing harvest gets underway. The average moisture content for corn harvested over the week was 26 percent, and the average for soybeans was 14 percent. Conditions were ideal for late season cuttings of hay, but hay fields and pastures are showing signs of stress.

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