Ohio Beef Council to visit auction markets across the state

by | Oct 9, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

The Ohio Beef Council (OBC) will be visiting with beef producers at auction markets across the state of Ohio during the month of October. Beef producers are encouraged to attend to learn how checkoff dollars are invested to increase beef demand through programs of promotion, research and education.

OBC will be present on the weekly sale day at Muskingum Livestock Auction Co. on Oct. 25, Union Stock Yards on Oct. 26 and Creston Auction Market on October 30. A beef lunch will be provided courtesy of the Ohio Beef Council. For more information about the events, call the office at 614-873-6736.

The Ohio Beef Council (OBC) engages with Ohio?s producers and consumers to strengthen the demand for beef with the goal of maintaining the profitability and growth of Ohio?s beef industry. It is part of a coordinated state/national marketing effort funded by beef producers through the beef checkoff program. OBC collects the $2 per head beef checkoff each time cattle are sold. Fifty cents of the federal dollar is invested in national beef demand building programs by the Cattlemen?s Beef Board. The remaining 50 cents and the state $1 are invested in Ohio by the OBC. The organization is directed by a 15-member Operating Committee of cattlemen appointed by the Ohio Director of Agriculture, representing the state?s beef, dairy and veal producers.

The OBC Operating Committee directs the investment of state checkoff funds to extend beef?s presence in Ohio?s schools, conduct public relations outreach and farm tours for Ohio?s food professionals, directly connect with consumers through spokesperson training programs, provide nutrition seminars for health professionals and develop a greater statewide media presence through radio, print, and social media all which help to reach Ohio?s 11.5 million consumers with a beef message.