Meal simplicity increasing poultry consumption

by | Oct 27, 2023 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Consumption of poultry has increased significantly with the rise of nutrition and meal simplicity. Annually, Americans consume over 100 pounds of poultry per person, making it the preferred protein source in the United States says Pennsylvania State assistant professor of poultry science, John Boney.

“Poultry products have been developed so that they’re convenient. It’s a healthy choice, right? It’s a high protein, low calorie, source of protein. So, folks do like that. And you can buy this stuff in the store that’s already breaded and already season did you pop it in the oven and ten minutes later, you’re feeding your family. So, a lot of that has driven the increased consumption.”

Millions of dollars are invested in research each year with a strong emphasis on nutrition and animal welfare considerations. With over nine and a half billion broilers and 210 million turkeys processed annually, significant technological advancements have been made in poultry production.

“Research in the design of the barns we’re looking at smart barns using artificial intelligence to help us understand weather patterns when the barn could become hot or cold in changing the way we manage those barns earlier.”