Making Your Side Dress Pay Off

by | Jun 6, 2017 | HAT News Feed

Making Your Side Dress Pay Off

Side dressing nitrogen is more important than ever this spring. The heavy spring rains in Indiana have reduced the nitrogen available to corn this year. Scott Lay, with Loveland Products, says side dressing nitrogen is a practice that makes both economic and agronomic sense this year, ?Whenever you can apply nitrogen close to when the plant will be needing it is a good thing and will give you a better result. A second factor is that supplemental applications of nitrogen in season are more incrementally sound.? He said this keeps nitrogen from moving out of the field and into groundwater.

Lay says adding a product called Accomplish LM to you liquid nitrogen can increase the effectiveness of your application, ?When it is applied with liquid nitrogen, it helps make more nutrients available to the plant and it holds more nitrogen in a plant available ammonia nitrate form.? He said, if a farmer is going to write a check for a supplemental nitrogen application, he wants to get the best use of that application and, with Accomplish, that will happen.

Lay says having adequate nitrogen in the soil over the next 6 weeks will be critical to boosting yields, ?This is when a corn plant will use 60% of all the nitrogen it will consume during this time period. When you mix Accomplish with liquid nitrogen you can realize a 6 bpa benefit.? Lay said Accomplish is not a new product and has a proven track record in field trials and on-farm use. It is easy to manage and will work in a variety of side dress and applications methods.

Loveland products has produced a webinar on the technical and agronomic aspects of side dress nitrogen. You can listen to that webinar here.