Little flies can cause big problems

by | Jul 18, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Efficient production is the key to the success of any livestock operation. It goes well beyond just the meat and dairy products that we are producing; it also is a huge factor in our herd health. As they say, “One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.” Or is it something about flies in the ointment?

Speaking of flies…

When we think about the insect kingdom, we don’t always think of flies being so dangerous. We think of mosquitoes, wasps, spiders, and such, but don’t always remember that flies are also biters who are capable of spreading some nasty diseases. Veterinarian Dr. Scott Pertzborn says that flies are problematic in a lot of ways.

Because flies are found anywhere, they are known to walk through some nasty things that are likely carrying some kind of bacteria or germs. Dr. Pertzborn talks about how pink eye is one of those nasty diseases that flies can spread very easily through a herd.

In feedlots and barns, it is easy to keep things more sanitized, because manure can be removed. However, out in the pastures, that doesn’t happen. That means that flies have access to breeding grounds.

It may not just be the barn where you find flies breeding. If you have a problem, you need to find the breeding grounds as soon as you can.

Keeping possible breeding areas clean keeps fly populations well under control. If the environment is conducive for breeding, flies won’t stick around.