Keeping new dairy calves healthy from respiratory diseases

by | Sep 4, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

While we have talked at length about what H5N1 or bird flu looks like for dairy herds, we have to remember that this isn’t the only health concern we face. There are still the old standards we have to guard against, and at this time of year, we see more calves moving to dairy and beef operations around the country.

As the calves travel and settle in, they are more susceptible to diseases because their immune systems are strained. At this vulnerable time, we need to be making sure that we are using all available tools to keep these new calves healthy. Dr. Joe Gillespie is with Boehringer-Ingelheim, and he talks about fighting pneumonia and respiratory disease with metaphylaxis.

To be most effective with metaphylaxis, you must have a good plan in place, and realize that this is not a blanket answer to all your problems.

Dr. Gillespie reminds producers that your first call should be to your herd veterinarian.

Metaphylaxis does give you a larger window of opportunity to get the normal routine in place for your new animals.

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