Just when you think the government couldn’t get more absurd

by | Jan 2, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

When you’re facing crippling federal debt with a government that has no problem spending your money, your kids’ money, and the money of the next three generations, it is no surprise that they are finding new and inventive ways to keep sticking their hands further into our pockets without accomplishing anything of any substance for the past few years.

This latest tax is looking like it is going to be a big burden for family farms. It is being proposed by people who think rural America is the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This new tax will tax what authors are calling “unrealized gains.” Former Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson explains what that means.

Nelson asks how we can tax farmers, or anyone, on income they never earned.

Nelson says if Washington wants to earn more tax revenue, it should focus on the taxes they should be collecting but aren’t.