Monday October 10, 2016
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, ?Lord, save me.? Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, ?O you of little faith, why did you doubt? -Matthew 14:30-31
We have a new puppy. She is a yellow lab and her name is Nala (from my favorite Disney movie….The Lion King of course). She sleeps in our bedroom on the floor. In the morning, she wakes up bright and early letting us know she has to go outside. Harold takes her outside, and she usually ends up at the foot of our bed for the rest of the early morning hours.
One particular morning, Nala was in bed with me. Harold happened to be up and about and she wanted to be off the bed and joining him. Our bed isn’t super tall, but it is ginormous for a little puppy who face-plants every couple minutes. She is still getting use to her quirky legs and over-sized paws. She stood at the edge of the bed and whined, and barked continuously. It was too high and too scary for her to even want to contemplate jumping. Eventually she did.
How often do we think we are too small to jump? We stand on the edge and never take the leap of faith because we feel as if we are from capable of accomplishing where we want to go? We are scared of what the landing could possibly be.
At the end of Matthew Chapter 14, Jesus is walking on water and calls Peter to step out onto the water and join him. Peter uncertain, afraid, and skeptical steps out. He begins to sink because of his lack of faith, but he steps out and learns a vital life changing truth from Jesus himself.
Maybe you’re not afraid of jumping off your bed….Maybe you are afraid of jumping into a new job, or you’re afraid of the outcome of asking that friend of yours to church. Maybe you are feeling pulled to do something, but you feel like you are too small to carry it through. Friend, don’t judge Peter for stepping out of his bed when you are safely sitting on yours. Jump off your bed today!!!
Prayer: God, thank you for calling me to do hard things that require stepping, or even jumping out in faith. Help me to not be afraid of my landing because you are for me. Continue to call me out of my comfortability. In your name I pray, Amen.
-Whitney Flach