IRFA offering biodiesel rebate for farmers

by | Sep 24, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

As harvest begins to ramp up, there are many things you have to think about as you keep the operation moving. With all the trucks, tractors, and combines that are moving around, one input links them all together: fuel. Diesel fuel is a hot commodity right now as farms are going into harvest, and with the costs of inputs versus the prices of commodities, wouldn’t it be nice to get a little relief from those prices?

To help bring some relief, as well as help promote blends of biodiesel, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) partnered with the Iowa Soybean Association, Western Iowa Energy, Western Dubuque BioDiesel, and Chevron Renewable Energy Group to bring a rebate to farmers who are using biodiesel blends. Lisa Coffelt is the Marketing Director for IRFA, and she tells us more about the program.

They had great response last year, and there is still funding available for this year.

Coffelt explains the simple sign-up process. It can all be found right here.