Iowa Crop Progress Report for Week of 9/30/12

by | Oct 2, 2012 | Crop and Soil Reports

Below are the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service crop and soil moisture conditions as of September 23, 2012. You can download the full report here.

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Item Corn Soybeans Pasture & Range
Very Poor 19% 11% 49%
Poor 28% 20% 27%
Fair 33% 37% 20%
Good 18% 29% 4%
Excellent 2% 3% 0%
Topsoil Moisture State Last Week Last Year
Very Short 57% 54% 20%
Short 36% 36% 35%
Adequate 7% 10% 44%
Surplus 0% 0% 1%
Subsoil Moisture State Last Week Last Year
Very Short 70% 68% 17%
Short 26% 27% 35%
Adequate 4% 5% 47%
Surplus 0% 0% 1%