Iowa Crop Progress Report as of July 7th, 2013

by | Jul 8, 2013 | Crop and Soil Reports

Below are the USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service crop and soil moisture conditions in Iowa as of July 7, 2013. You can check out the full report by clicking here.

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Iowa Planted Acreage
Statewide Last week Last year 5-year average
Soybeans Emerged 85% 89% 100% 98%

The past week was the warmest and driest period yet this year across much of Iowa. From the Iowa report:

The weather allowed field crops to develop, although some areas reported crops were beginning to need moisture. Statewide there was an average of 6.2 days suitable for fieldwork during the week, the most of any week this year. Northeast Iowa had only 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork and was the only district with less than six days suitable. Farmers were finishing side dressing fields.

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Corn 3% 9% 30% 44% 14%
Soybeans 3% 8% 33% 44% 12%
Pasture & Range 1% 6% 25% 48% 20%
Hay, all 1% 4% 26% 53% 16%
Oats 0% 5% 32% 52% 13%
Topsoil State Last Week Last Year
Very Short 1% 0% 45%
Short 11% 1% 41%
Adequate 76% 66% 14%
Surplus 12% 33% 0%
Subsoil State Last Week Last Year
Very Short 0% 0% 36%
Short 4% 2% 45%
Adequate 80% 67% 19%
Surplus 16% 31% 0%