Importers complaining about weed seed in U.S. soybeans

by | Aug 29, 2018 | 5 Ag Stories, Farm Progress Show 2018, News

There is an effort afoot to limit the amount of foreign material in soybeans to one-percent. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) standard is currently two-percent.

Foreign material is dirt, trash and weed seed.

Weed seed is what importing countries want to address. We have a lot of resistant weeds and some fields are quite infested as the combine goes through and gathers the crop.

The North Central weed specialists are attempting to alert farmers to the pending problem, with some likelihood that grain samples will be taken and loads rejected if the weed seed amount is too high. Ways to limit the seed problem and some of the politics as to why, in times of large supplies, we get resistance to the quality of U.S. grain exports.

Dawn Refsel is with Valent. She is tuned in to this issue and spoke to us as a part of the North Central Weed Society.

AUDIO: Profit Matters 8-29-18

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