Hoosier Ag Today to Broadcast Purdue Crop Report Program live on Facebook

by | Aug 7, 2017 | HAT News Feed

The August USDA Crop Production report (August 10) is always a major event because it is the first authoritative estimate on the size of the current U.S. corn and soybean crop. This report will determine the price ranges for these crops for the remainder of the year. Purdue University pulls together its top agronomists and economists, along with USDA and state officials, to analyze the report and make recommendations for growers. This program takes place at the Indiana State Fair which is underway at the time. For the first time, Hoosier Ag Today will broadcast this event live via Facebook.

This year?s report will be especially critical as there is a great deal of variability between the Eastern and Western Corn Belt crops. This Facebook live feed, sponsored by MacAllister Farm Equipment, will provide producers with the critical, time sensitive analysis they need to make marketing decisions for the 2017 and 2018 crops. ?The advancements in Facebook technology will allow us to bring this important program directly to our followers in real time,? said Gary Truitt, president of Hoosier Ag Today.

HAT has over 3000 Facebook regular viewers on Facebook, and this event will attract even more. As title sponsor of the event, MacAllister Equipment urges producers to evaluate their financial and production situation and determine if they need to make investments in their operation. The information presented in this program will give producers guidance on marketing and production decisions for the 2017 and 2018 crops.

The live broadcast will begin at 1:30pm on Thursday, August 10, 2017. The feed will be located on the Hoosier Ag Today Facebook page.

The program will feature a detailed presentation of the USDA crop yield projections by Greg Matli with the National Ag Statistics office, a review of corn and soybean growing conditions by Purdue Extension Specialist Shawn Castile, and a market and economic outlook by Purdue Ag Economist Dr. Chris Hurt. The panel discussion will be hosted by Karen Plaut, acting Dean of the Purdue College of Agriculture.


About Hoosier Ag Today

Hoosier Ag Today was founded in 2006 for the specific purpose of serving the informational needs of the Hoosier agricultural community. HAT currently has 65 radio stations broadcasting its programs. In addition, HAT operates a multi-media web site, smartphone app, and publishes a daily e-mail newsletter. In 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2016 Hoosier Ag Today was rated the most listened to farm radio network in Indiana by Ag Media Research. Hoosier Ag Today is represented nationally by J.L. Farmakis, Inc.


Gary R Truitt

