Last week, Mother Nature gave Iowa a sneak preview of what summer could look like. This was a perfect reminder that we have to be ready for whatever she throws at us this year. While we focus a lot on plant health, we have to focus even more so on animal health. Hogs are notorious for not handling the extremes of the hot weather. If you didn?t take advantage of the past week and double-check your barns, here is a list of things to be thinking about.
Obviously, fans in the barns are some of the first things you check when the weather gets warm. Barns are usually pretty good at regulating the temperature for animal comfort, but there is always the possibility that maintenance could be needed. Many systems include test modes to allow you to simulate an increase in temperatures to put the system through its paces.
Mark Oberreuter is a Senior Technician with Automated Production. He says that checking the system goes beyond making sure the fans are running.
No matter how maintained your system is, we cannot control the weather. Oberreuter talks about the importance of keeping up with the forecasts to anticipate what you might be up against a few days in advance.