Harvest starts Between the Rows

by | Sep 25, 2017 | Ohio Country Journal

Brandon Monebrake, Preble Co.

Brandon Monebrake, Preble Co.

We started running yesterday and everything is looking pretty good so far. We ran about 60 acres of beans yesterday. The heat really helped.

We are in early beans and we are not usually fans of early beans. Our first beans averaged 64 on five acres and we are on a big farm now and so far on 50 acres they have averaged 60.1 with a range of around 55 to 75. For early beans we are very happy with those. We are hoping to finish where we are today and then move to another farm. All of these beans were planted over about two or three weeks but they are all getting ready at the same time with this heat.

There were a couple of people around here who tried corn and it was at about 30% moisture. We are not in a big hurry to run corn at all. We haven?t even tested the moisture. We are just working on getting our beans started. Our early beans have zero green stems, but some of them have green leaves and they are at 9% or 10% moisture. Right at the base of the plant they still have some green leaves. We quit about 8:30 last night and later today we?ll start hitting it a little harder.

I?ve noticed the short beans are making more than the tall beans. The short beans are in the black ground and the tall beans are on the hill ground.

Right now the corn is not drying that quickly. We?ll run the beans as they get ready here around home then we may switch to the corn here around home if it?s ready. If not, we?ll go up and get the beans at New Paris.

Everything is pretty clean so far. Right along the fencerows is where all of the weed trouble is, but everything else has been clean. I am excited with the yields we?ve had so far. I?m nervous about heading to New Paris because it is always a whole new ball game up there.

For the rest of this week?s reports, click here.