A new demonstration area has been created at the Gwynne Conservation Area for Farm Science Review that exhibits forage species adapted for grazing all year long.
This summer a 1.1-acre plot that had been planted previously in warm season bunch grasses was converted into a series of different forage varieties designed to help teach management intensive grazing principles so that producers can get closer to a year round grazing program. The acreage was divided into four roughly quarter acre plots and planted with four different forage types including warm season annuals, warm season perennials, cool season perennials, and overwintered stockpiled forage.Throughout the Review, speakers from OSU Extension and NRCS will present on different forage topics while at the demonstration plots. A pasture walk component is included so that producers can get a closer view of the rotations as well as have a chance to ask questions about how they can incorporate these forages and techniques into their grazing and hay making systems.
For questions about the Year Around Grazing project, contact Tim McDermott, OSU Extension Educator, Hocking County at mcdermott.15@osu.edu.