Grassley voices concerns over EPA’s biofuel blending volumes delay

by | Jul 9, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

United States Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is continuing to voice frustrations with the Environmental Protection Agency’s delay in announcing biofuel blending volumes for 2026-2028. Grassley says the delay in the announcement is negatively affecting the biofuel industry and causing harm to rural economies.

The EPA recently announced that the biofuel blending volumes will not be finalized for 2026-2028 until December 2025 when the final RVOs are released. Grassley says that the wait for guidance is leaving the biofuel industry in a difficult spot and is hurting rural economies.

In May Senator Grassley along with Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Representative Randy Feenstra (R-Iowa) sent a letter to President Biden and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan, asking the administration to amend its decision on Renewable Volume Obligation levels. The letter argued that RVO levels were set well below industry production capacity and that RVOs should be increased to allow for more biofuel production.

Grassley was asked if the current administration is delaying the decision until after the Presidential election in November and had this to say in response.

Senator Grassley made his comments on Tuesday during his weekly ag conference call with farm broadcasters and reporters.