Grassley comments on House version of farm bill

by | May 21, 2024 | 5 Ag Stories, News

Last week House Ag Committee Chair GT Thompson released the House version of the farm bill for discussion ahead of the markup session on May 23rd. United States Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says that he is still working through the text of the bill but is pleased with Thompson’s inclusion of Commodity Credit Corporation reform.

Grassley says that he has been working to make Congress the final word on CCC funding, instead of the executive branch.

For the past several months Republican Congress members have been calling for “more farm in the farm bill.”

Senator Grassley was asked if he thinks Senate Ag Committee Chair Stabenow is waiting to see if Thompson can advance his bill through the House before the Senate produces the text of its bill.

Senator Grassley made his comments on Tuesday morning during his weekly ag conference call with farm broadcasters and reporters.