Due to the late 2019 harvest, many farmers stored grain at higher than recommended moisture levels this fall. That increases the risk of entrapment if they enter their bins to check out grain quality issues or fix plugged augers, said Gary Woodruff, a grain conditioning expert with GSI.
Woodruff says grain stored above 15% moisture, often related to insufficient drying capacity or relying only on aeration, can cause it to degrade in the bin and become more susceptible to mold.
“Grain went into bins at a lower quality, higher moisture and with more fines this fall, which makes this year much more dangerous,?? he said. “That’s why we always emphasize that farmers should never enter a bin when there is a risk of becoming entrapped.??
Woodruff recommends that farmers regularly check the quality of their grain this winter. In addition to grain monitoring controls, he says they should visually inspect their grain at least every other week.? Continue reading